Thursday 4 April 2013

World Threats

So lately, we've been hearing a lot about a possible World War III. With rising tensions between Israel and Iran and most of the world's major powers involved, this could turn very ugly very fast. North Korea is another pressing issue, with a hostile president and imminent missile launches against the US.
What do all of these have in common?
Nuclear weapons.

Now, as a scientist and physicist, I can tell you how dangerous those things are in the wrong hands. Heck, even in the right hands, they're insanely risky. On average, each bomb can wipe out  basically everything in a two-mile radius, and slowly kill everything in a hundred-mile radius. The amount of energy produced by the nuclear fission happening in one bomb is enough to power Greenland for four years. That’s no small amount. Think about what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki—and that was only with one bomb each, and nowhere near as advanced or destructive as those of today. Now think about the number of bombs in the world—about 23,000 in existence. If a third world war happens, all of those bombs will be detonated.
Imagine the mass death and destruction that will follow. The earth will literally be wiped of all life, save a few bacteria and some microorganisms tough enough to survive. A third world war isn’t going to just wipe out the human race, but most other species as well.

Guys, we can’t let that happen. For the sake of Earth, for the sake of the only planet able to support life, we can’t let that happen. I’m just one person, but I know that together, we can make a difference. Cliché and annoying, yes, but very true. As my History teacher keeps telling us, “You are the most powerful teenagers to ever walk the face of this earth.” So let’s use that power. Let’s use it to stop the destruction of the world.
I’m telling you guys, we need to do something about this. Speak up. Blog something. Write something. Publish it. Get the word out, protest, do something. I don’t know how many people read this blog—probably not very many, but if each of those people did something to get the word out…
Come on, people. I believe in you.

Take a listen to this: (warning: a bit of language, but nothing over the top)
And also this:

Let's not let this happen, guys. Help the world...not die.

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