Monday 26 December 2011


  So, for the past couple of days, I've been skiing. How was it? Well...first, we got lost around the place, and then...I learned from the Snow School. And I learned really, really fast. Before we left, I had skied down the ski slope number one (aka the smallest actual slope, aka Bunny Slope) several times and I managed to NOT FALL most of the time. It was amazing, in a sense of the word.I was also the first to get on that slope. Everyone else was either still in Snow School or they were just too plain scared to go. It was exhilarating--or so I thought so at the time.
    The next day, we decided that my sister was ready to ski on the "big hill" as we called it at the time (aka Bunny Slope), so I got elected to take her down (because the rest of my family was nowhere near ready). So I watched over her until after lunch, at which point I went to the second slope (aka Life Slope), which was much steeper and more dangerous (well, kind of). For me, because I had practiced turning so much on Bunny Slope, it wasn't very difficult. So I got bored really fast, and then went on the highest one--I called it Death Hill. It scared me at first. It seriously did. Until I realized how exhilarating it really was and how awesome it was. After that...well, suffice it to say that I just did not want to stop.
    In short, it was awesome, and I loved every minute of it.

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