Monday, 30 June 2014

Swim Meet

   If any of you were wondering why I haven't posted in the past few days, it's because I had a swim meet and I was too tired to do anything like write poems or post things. I'd tell you about the swim meet, except a lot of it is far too personal for me to want to share on here. Though, a few things of notice about my team:

1. The gay tendencies are freaking unreal. No one's actually gay, but looking at them...well, I won't go into it, but most of the people on my team can back it up. That's not just brotherly affection there, or, as my friend would put it: "The 'b' is falling off of 'bromance' there, guys." This little gem even happened:
Z: Hey, couldn't <K> and <T> be gay?
K: <looks up, looks at T> Yeah, probably.

2. We're exceptionally close as a team, especially as swimming is mostly an individual sport.

3. We have far too many pranksters or the equivalent thereof.

4. Our team is actually pretty talented. Especially considering we were going up college teams and 2 Olympians.

5. Apparently liking science and reading a textbook at a meet is Not Socially Acceptable and WILL result in your textbook being confiscated and read out loud. Except no one will understand and then your book will disappear into the annals of...somewhere.

6. Everyone is really touchy feely all the time. If I could have a dollar for every time someone used me as a pillow, chair, bed, footrest, etc., I'd have a grand by now.

7. Music tastes=awful.

8. Other teams have a bad habit of getting between our friendly fights. Do not ever get between our fights. Someone (or something) always ends up getting hurt.

9. If my glasses fall to the bottom of the diving well (that's 16 feet deep), I hold B solely responsible and he will fetch them for me.

10. There is no such thing as "too much".

I'll post a poem later today. For right now, though, I think this is it.

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